Sunday, January 3, 2010

Linking you up

There are certain links that anyone interested in my writing might consider worth checking out. Over the past few months I've been doing a lot of writing and a lot of marketing. This has led to my first full-length novel (as opposed to my attempted novels that got abandoned after the first few chapters) which I am currently editing. It has also led to my first acceptance letter from a publication that is not local or student-run. Lastly, it has led to a much greater online presence for me. The following blog entry is a list of the links that I consider to be most pertinent to my writing career at the moment!

I have a new website. It's the best resource out there for all things Rachel Knight. I have a sign-up form for an occasional newsletter that will be sent out whenever I get published or have an otherwise important announcement, a Peanuts allusion mimicking Lucy's 5-cent psychiatric help booth (it really does only cost a nickel through Paypal,) selections from my new novel, information on my non-profit organization, and more good stuff like that.

I also have a LinkedIn profile. Feel free to add me as a contact.

For my fellow NaNoWriMo participants, here is my profile. I post in the message boards frequently, even during the off season!

As always, there is my Facebook fan page.

I am participating in WriYe, a NaNoWriMo spin-off in which each participant sets a word count goal for the year. Here's my WriYe profile.

Lastly, the wonderful PDF e-zine and paperback periodical Breadcrumb Scabs will be publishing "Mary Anne" this year. To keep up-to-date on the release of the online issue and printing of the paperback (which should be up for sale in July) subscribe to the newsletter on my site! Here's the link again. I sometimes award awesome prizes to new sign-ups.